Saturday, March 29, 2014


Reflection Questions: Goodness 

1.   Do you find yourself growing in hope and trust in God's goodness, or cynicism and worldly realism?

I do find myself growing more in God's goodness, because I am obeying Him more, and choosing to walk in the fruit of the Spirit.

2.   Are you known for being a positive influence on others, or do you have a reputation for a particular vice or indulgence? 

For years I have prayed to God for help in being more positive influence on others. 

3.   Are there dark secrets and sins that you would prefer never see the light of day in your life? How would you rate your integrity?

I am not perfect, still growing in the grace of the Lord, and I pray always this prayer; Lord, create in me a clean heart, and renew the right spirit in me right now, amen.

4.    Are you habitually trying to grey the lines and make everything ambiguous, or do you affirm good and evil clearly?

I always try with all my heart to clarify the difference between good and evil, and I ask God daily to change my heart to see others as He see them, so I can be a positive influence on those I meet daily. 

What a way to say that! (habitually trying to grey the lines and make everything ambiguous).  Wow!

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Casting All Your Care Upon Him
1 Peter 5:7

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