Saturday, February 28, 2015


Let's Pray:

Glory be to God in the highest, peace good will toward everyone . Precious Father, thank you for the act of restoration. It is so amazing to know that when we are broken and wounded, you can put us back together. You can restore that which was lost and we can be found. You can restore our hurts and  we can be whole. You are the one who can enable us to forgive.  Show mercy and bestow grace. You are the restorer of all things and for that we give you praise. For anyone that is hurting at this time, we ask that you reach out your restorative Hands and pour out a healing balm to their souls. Soothe their spirits. Calm their nerves. Bind up the weary and broken pieces and grant them renewal in a mighty way. Revive them. Restore them. Do a powerful work in their lives that only you can do.  We give you all glory and honor and praise that is due your holy name.  In the mighty, powerful, and saving name of Jesus Christ.  Amen


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Casting All Your Care Upon Him

Casting All Your Care Upon Him
1 Peter 5:7

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