Tuesday, January 13, 2015


1. Who mingled the blood of some of the Galileans with their sacrifices?

Pilate (Luke 13:1)


2. Which tower did Jesus mention as having killed eighteen people when it fell?


The tower in Siloam (Luke 13:4)


3. Jesus healed a woman who was bent over, in the synagogue on a Sabbath. How

many years did this woman have the spirit of infirmity?


Eighteen years (Luke 13:11)


4. About what city did Jesus say the following: "… the one who kills the prophets

and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children

together, as a hen gathers her brood under wings, but you were not willing!"


Jerusalem (Luke 13:34)


5. In the story of the rich man and Lazarus the beggar, to whose bosom did the

angels carry Lazarus when he died?


Abraham's (Luke 16:22)


6. Which city from which Lot went out was destroyed with fire and brimstone?


Sodom (Luke 17:29)


7. Who was the rich tax collector who climbed up a tree to see Jesus because he was

of short stature?


Zacchaeus (Luke 19:2)


8. In what city was Jesus when he saw Zacchaeus?


Jericho (Luke 19:1-2)


9. What tree did Zacchaeus climb up to see Jesus?


A sycamore tree (Luke 19:4)


10. Jesus blessed Zacchaeus' house by saying this: "Today salvation has come to this

house, because he also is a son of _____________; for the Son of Man has come

to seek and to save that which was lost."


Abraham (Luke 19:9-10)


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