Thursday, January 1, 2015


1). How long did Mary stay with her cousin Elizabeth in the Hill Country?

About three months


2). Did Mary return to Joseph whom she was engaged to or to her own home?

She returned to her own home


3). What was the message the angel gave to the shepherd?

"I bring you good news of  great joy for everyone."


4). What is the vast host called that appeared suddenly singing?

Heavenly Host


5).  If a woman's first child is a boy, they must do what?

He must be dedicated to the Lord


6).  When Simeon blessed Joseph and Mary, they stood in amazement.


7).  What did Anna called the baby Jesus?  The Promised King


8).  What were Joseph and Mary doing when they brought Jesus to the Temple to be dedicated? They were fulfilling all the requirements of the law of the Lord.


9).  Jesus was filled with wisdom beyond his years, and God placed his special favor upon Him.


10).  Complete the song of the week "Mary did you know that your Baby Boy would save our sons and daughters?"


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Casting All Your Care Upon Him
1 Peter 5:7

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