Saturday, August 17, 2019

Bible Study: Conclusion Week # 7

"Meditating on God's Word:


Lord, quiet my heart and still my soul as I wait on you during these moments alone. I recognize you as a holy and majestic God—one who deserves great praise and glory. All of creation testifies to your awesome and unique works. There is no one like you, no other god worthy of honor.  I want to focus on You, Lord, and to shut out all the distractions of the world. For these next few moments, it's just you and me, God. You are Spirit, but you are a God who knows us so intimately. I like to imagine you literally sitting here beside me, because of your promise that you are Emmanuel—always "with us." As I think about the truths in your Word, may the meditation of my heart be sweet and honoring to you. I am not trying to clear out my mind. I simply want you to empty me of self and fill me with your Holy Spirit. I long for your presence, Lord. Narrow my thoughts to include only those things that are honorable, truthful, beautiful, pure, and praiseworthy. I ask for your wisdom to apply these truths to my life morning, noon, and night—literally all through the day. For you are worthy to be praised all the time.  I remember your great faithfulness in the past and am so grateful that you shower fresh mercy and grace on me each morning. I rehearse your goodness through answered prayer and personal reminders to me daily of your love for me. Even when I feel alone or distant from you, you draw me back into your presence when I purposely slow down and draw close to you.
I treasure your Word and want to chew on the truths you reveal to me today. As I pull apart each piece and reflect on every principle and word of instruction, I'm asking you to guide me and teach me what you want me to know. Is there a promise here for me to remember? Is there an action I need to take or a sin to forsake? Is there more for me to understand about your character? Help me personalize your message to my heart today. Your Word is powerful. I celebrate the strength and wisdom you will give me as I learn to honor and glorify you more.
I need you and love you, Lord. And I ask you to speak through your Word and in these quiet moments together. Whisper or shout into my spirit, whichever you want, and whatever I need the most. But most of all, just receive my praise as I focus my thoughts only on you. I'm listening and anticipating as I read and meditate on your beautiful Word. In  Jesus' name, Amen.

Conclusion:     Sharing this for my conclusion on meditating on God's Word.

If you are truly a follower of Jesus Christ you would desire to know HIM better, and to know HIS Word. If you are not, than to get to know HIM and HIS word, you must become a follower. At this point, you can ask God to help you and HE will grant you a heart to search for HIM, and you will find HIM through meditation on HIS Word. I can remember once upon a time, I didn't know HIM and I asked and God granted me a heart to seek HIM through HIS Word. It's important to know how to apply this to your life. One thing you must remember, knowledge is good but knowledge without understanding will not gain you wisdom. To get wisdom you must ask for it! God will give it to you through HIS Word, (James 1:5).

When we read God's Word we gain knowledge. The understanding comes when we meditate on it, and ask God to bless our knowledge and understanding. Remember King Solomon? Read (II Chronicles 1:7-12, I Chronicles 22:12, Psalm 119:104, Proverbs 2:6). Let's briefly talk about King Solomon. One day King Solomon was meditating on what his father asked him to do concerning God's will for his life.  King Solomon didn't ask for riches but for wisdom, and God granted him more wisdom than any king before him or after him. Meditation is a powerful tool to use to get closer to God and HIS Word.  Also, Samuel was one of the greatest priest, prophet, and judge of his time. God talked with Samuel while upon his bed one night (meditating). Samuel was no doubt thinking on God HIMSELF. When you meditate on God's Word powerful things happen! You gain a greater insight of God HIMSELF. You discern more spiritually.

Let's go all the way back to Adam's time when God would come in the cool of the day to fellowship with Adam HIS creation (Genesis 3:8). If you look at it spiritually you can see the relationship they had then. They talked, they communicated, and they shared thoughts with each other. I call that meditation!  If you desire to know God better meditate on HIS Word every chance you get.  God is HIS Word!  Meditating is putting your whole heart and mind into it to be in God's divine presence.

I would like to share my devotion time with you. A few years ago I was so depressed. The job I do can do that to you. I am a full-time personal live-in care giver, who left preaching in the pulpit to do God's will for my life, and I love my relationship with God, because if it were not for God I could not do this!  I give God all the glory!  One day I was so depressed I asked God to help me do this. I couldn't think it was so bad. God spoke to my heart through His Holy Spirit and gave me a quiet time plan with HIM. HE told me if I would spend quality time with HIM I could do what was needed to be done to stay on that job, and it worked. I am now at the second job, which is about eight years later. That plan is called "My Daily Quiet Time with God." This is my devotional time too.  This gave me strength to do my job, even when it was too much to bear. I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthen me (Philippians 4:13). My devotional time with God can be from one hour to three hours at the most. A lot of people have the privilege to spend more time if they don't work, but I on the other hand work 24/7.  I could not to do this without God's help! I do get the chance to minister to these elderly patients.  And, I did with HIS help! Most of my patients have dementia or alzheimer's disease.  They are not responsible for what the enemy does to their minds. I know that now! In a situation like that you have to meditate on God's Word.  This plan involves the WORD totally. You have to love God's Word to do this. When you meditate with this plan it involves God's Word; reading it, searching it, praying it, singing it, and speaking it into existence.

Before I finish I want to bring to your attention the story of Jacob. But, first, when you meditate don't forget to ask God for wisdom in that particular scripture/verse. God will grant it because HE wants you to come closer to HIM through HIS Word. Are you familiar with Jacob? Jacob was the son of Isaac, the brother of Esau, who trusted God. In (Genesis 28:10-22) we see Jacob was in need of a closer walk with God, his father's God, whom he didn't know at this time. One night while Jacob was on his way to his father and uncle's homeland (Haran), he encountered God's presence. Everything that took place here is the steps of meditation.  Jacob was sleep, (quiet) before God (v.11). God visited Jacob in his quietness (v.13). Jacob then acknowledged God (v.16). Jacob was in God's presence (v.17). Jacob gave God honor, glory, and praise; God gave Jacob his petition. Jacob gained peace, stability, faith, favor, and love for God HIMSELF (v.20).

The more you meditate on the word of God, the more it exposes the character flaws that you need to fix. As you fix your mind on the word of God, your heart is progressively transformed into a heart of love, joy, peace, patience, humility, and self-control (Gal. 5:22-23).

Get Quiet before God. . .

God's priority for our mind is that it be devoted and dedicated to Him, disciplined and determined and discerning about what it does in our life.

You cannot be lazy or merely "religious," if you want to meditate on God's Word. It requires effort - and a willingness to change - to go beyond mere "religion," to the point of being a genuine disciple (follower) of Jesus.

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Casting All Your Care Upon Him

Casting All Your Care Upon Him
1 Peter 5:7

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