Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Bible Study: Meditating on God's Word Week # 4


Father God, we honor and praise You or who You are today. We will not give up because of the way the world has turned. We come to You in Jesus' name asking for You to speak to our hearts today as You did before in bible time. We need to hear from You, especially in our hearts, Lord. You spoke to Joshua and many others, speak to us, Lord; thank You for hearing our prayers, and Lord, please help us to listen when You speak to us. Lord God, bless our time to meditate in Your Word. Give us a desire to do it more and more in Jesus' name we pray. AMEN.

Scripture:         Joshua 1:8;     

Lesson:    "Meditating in Prayer:

Christian meditation is a form of prayer in which a structured attempt is made to become aware of and reflect upon the revelations of God. ... Christian meditation is the process of deliberately focusing on specific thoughts (such as a bible passage) and reflecting on their meaning in the context of the love of God.

Biblical meditation involves taking a phrase, verse, or passage of Scripture and thinking carefully about it, pondering, and letting the Holy Spirit slowly make it alive within you. Then you pray it back to God. Meditation creates faith and expectation. Meditation focuses our thinking on God's Word. Through meditation we come to know God, not just about Him. Through meditation we grow in our love for God's Word. Meditation helps us:

Meditation helps us pray more effectively. Psalm 119 speaks over and over again about the value of God's Word and the importance of meditation. Meditation on the Scriptures will cause us to understand something of the mind and heart of God. Meditation changes us deeply, freeing us from negative thinking because we are dwelling on the positive truth of Scripture. It touches the deepest part of our soul and transforms us. Meditation should always result in a response to God, whether it is repentance, thanksgiving, worship, obedience, or a change in attitude.

In personal prayer, we speak to God, but in meditative prayer, we allow God to speak to us through his Word and his Spirit. What do we mean by meditative prayer? Is there such a thing as Christian meditation? Isn't meditation non-Christian? According to Richard Foster, "Eastern meditation is an attempt to empty the mind; Christian meditation is an attempt to fill the mind." Rather than emptying the mind, we fill it with God's Word. We must not neglect a vital part of our Judeo-Christian heritage simply because other traditions use a form of meditation.

Steps for Meditative Prayer:

Designate a quiet place. In a world full of distractions, we need a quiet place where we can allow God to speak to us. Businessmen and women are comfortable in their offices for work. In the same way, the most effective place to pray is in your quiet place.

Give yourself 20-30 minutes. Many people only spend a few minutes each day in prayer. Very few people actually spend time in meditative prayer. It takes time to drown out the cares of the world, sit and prayerfully meditate on God's Word, and then allow Him to speak to us.

Choose a scripture to prayerfully meditate. Prayerfully select a passage of Scripture that means something to you. Let it focus on the goodness of God, the promises of God, or the worship of God.

Allow time for God to speak to you. This is the hardest part. Many people never hear the Lord speak to them simply because they don't allow Him to. We need to allow time to sit and listen for the voice of the Lord. This was the difference between Eli and Samuel (1 Samuel 3). Samuel was open to hearing from the Lord. He said, "Speak, for your servant hears."

Let's talk about determine your mindset:

Colossians 3:2 says, "Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth." We have the power to set our minds. We train our minds to think in Christian terms. We determine not only what enters our mind, but what is not allowed to enter our mind. We do this when we meditate! Thinking "Christian-ly" is the substance and spirit of what it means for the follower of Christ to grow in the mind of Christ. It would be absurd to affirm that Jesus Christ is the Lord of all, yet then not allow Him to lord over our thinking!

Nowhere is the Lordship of Christ and the power of the Gospel more needed today than in the renewing power of the Christian mind.

Your Assignment:   Week # 4 Questions:

1).      Christian meditation is a form of what?

2).     Christian meditation is the process of deliberately ___ on ___ ___ such as a ____ passage, and ____on their meaning in the context of the love of God.

3).     What is focusing?

4).     What is reflecting?

5).     Biblical meditation involves taking a ____ , ____, or ____ of ___ and thinking ____ about it.

6).     Meditation creates _____ and ______.

7).     Biblical meditation focuses our thinking on ____ _____.

8).     Meditation helps us ____ more _____

9).     Through meditation we _____ in our ___ for God's ____.

10).   Read Psalm 119, explain what you feel this scripture is talking about.

11).    What is the different between personal prayer and meditative prayer?

12).   What do we mean by meditative prayer?

13).   What are some steps for meditative prayer?

14).   How long do you spend time with God in your quiet time?

15).    Choose a scripture to prayerfully meditate on.

16).   How do this scripture focus on the goodness, promises, and worship of God?

17).    Read 1 Samuel 3, explain.

18).   Do God speak to you? Explain

19).   Read Colossians 3:2

20).   How do we set our minds on thing above, and not on things on the earth?


Daily Exercises:      Personal Time with God



Write down and meditate on one of God's Characters:

Scripture Worship:

Scripture Memory:

Scripture Reading:

Daily Devotion Reading:

God's Promise Today:

Spiritual Goal in life:

Ultimate Goal in Life:

Daily Goal Today:

Speak it Now:

Healing Confession:

The Lord's Prayer:

The Lord's Supper:

Read Psalm 23:

Read Matthew 18:18

Pray Matthew 18:18 for someone:

My Personal Confession Today:

Prayer Focus:

Ending Song:


Record what God spoke to you:

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1 Peter 5:7

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