Saturday, April 7, 2018

Weekly Life Principle

Counsel (Life Principle # 27)


We waste time not asking God what He wants.  When we make important choices without seeking His counsel, we're heading for danger.  If we'd only ask for guidance and commit to His will and timing, we would see Him move in astounding ways to help us.


Are you ready for God to make you the most fruitful person you can be? Then, no matter how busy you are, take a few quiet moments to seek Him. You'll find this time spent with God will be the best investment you make every day.


Quiet your heart so you can listen to the Lord and enjoy His presence. Then find out what He desires in your situation and pray for that. Rest in His love for you, trust in His provision, and allow Him to order your steps. He will keep you from moving in the wrong direction or wasting your time. The Holy Spirit is our Counselor!

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Casting All Your Care Upon Him

Casting All Your Care Upon Him
1 Peter 5:7

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