Monday, August 14, 2017


Week # 1


  1. Who was David's father?



  2. Which prophet anointed David as king?



  3. Which of these was not a wife of David?



     4. Where was David anointed as king of Israel?

          5. How
    old was David when he first began to reign over Judah?

          6. Who was David's first wife?

    7. Which of David's sons tried to overthrow and kill him?

Week # 1   Questions:

1). What can we learn from the life of David?

Oh, so much! I love it because of what God says about him, "a man after mine own heart!" That should encourage everyone! I learn to trust God, David did. He trusted God so much he taught his son Solomon, and Solomon wrote this; "Trust the Lord with all your heart." Proverbs 3:5

2). How many daughters did David have?

(1) Tamar

3). What do the key verse tell you about David?

David had a good heart.

4). Concerning Saul and David, what was against the will of God?

God was against having kings over His people, because he knew man's heart.

5). When David became king he conquered Jerusalem, how was this done?

David conquered Jerusalem with the help of God; God was with him.

6). When David and Bathsheba committed adultery, when God took their son, how did David handle it?

David set before God and thanked Him for all the blessings He had received in his life (2 Samuel 7:18-29).

7). Which son did David loved the most?

David loved his son Absalom.

8). David's story is in what book in the Bible?

I and II Samuel; I Kings and I Chronicles.

9). Which story is the beginning of David's life?

David kills Goliath

10). Why is it so important to follow Gods' plan?

Following God's plan is so important because obedient to Him is a very good thing, obey is better than sacrifice, and because our life will be fulfilled and more peaceful. And, it brings glory to Him.

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Casting All Your Care Upon Him

Casting All Your Care Upon Him
1 Peter 5:7

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