Monday, June 3, 2019

Bible Study: Meditating on God's Word

Week # 1


Lord God, we are so honored to be Your children. We give You praise and thanks. You are worthy to be praised. Bless our time with You today in a mighty way, bless Your presence to be with us as we meditate on Your Word, amen.

Scripture:         Joshua 1:8; Joshua 1:8-9; Psalm 63:6; Psalm 119:148; Isaiah 9:7


Lesson:    "Meditation involves three Activities"

Listen:           "It takes more than just reading the Bible to grow spiritually. When you learn how to meditate on the Word of God, you can move into a believing faith that always receives!"

 As Christians many of us read our Bible and pray, but are we meditating on God's Word? And do we even know what this means?

When the Lord called Joshua to lead Israel after Moses' death, He told him, "This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it" (Joshua 1:8).

The Lord wanted to fill Joshua's heart with the Word so he would know precisely what to do and how to lead the people according to God's standards and commands. And that's exactly what He wants to do in our lives as well. If we'll meditate on Scripture, the Lord will unfold for us His truths and instructions.


Meditation involves three activities:

1).     Shut out the world. That means no television, phone calls, or other outside distractions.

2).    Shut ourselves up to God. Meditation is not a group activity but a private time alone with the Lord.

3).    Focus our attention on a passage of Scripture. This is not just a casual reading of God's Word before heading out the door, but a private conversation with the Lord. We begin by asking Him to reveal what He wants to say to us. Then we listen for His instructions and guidance while reading, thinking, and praying about the passage.

Dedicate Your Mind:

Philippians 2:5 says, "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus."

To have the mind of Christ does not mean that we are infallible, that we can "play God." To have the mind of Christ means to look at life through the Savior's point of view, looking at life through His values and the desires in His mind. Glory to God! 

It means to think God's thoughts, and not think as the world thinks; and in order to do that we must mediate on God's Word, amen.

Each study lesson Includes:  Setting aside a time:

Daily Exercises:      Personal Time with God



Write down and meditate on one of God's Characters:

Scripture Worship:

Scripture Memory:

Scripture Reading:

Daily Devotion Reading:

God's Promise Today:

Spiritual Goal in life:

Ultimate Goal in Life:

Daily Goal Today:

Speak it Now:

Healing Confession:

The Lord's Prayer:

The Lord's Supper:

Read Psalm 23:

Read Matthew 18:18

Pray Matthew 18:18 for someone:

My Personal Confession Today:

Prayer Focus:

Ending Song:


Record what God spoke to you:

Your Assignment:   Questions:

1).        To you, what do meditating on God's Word means?

2).       Did you spend time with God today?

3).       Read Joshua 1:8; Joshua 1:8-9; Psalm 63:6, 119:148, and Isaiah 9:7

4).       Which scriptures touched your heart the most, Explain

5).        Which one of God's characters you mediated on today?

6).       Name the three activities involved in meditation.

7).        What do dedicating your mind means?

8).       Set quietly and mediate on Philippians 2:13.   

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Casting All Your Care Upon Him
1 Peter 5:7

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