Beginning Prayer:
Father God, as this Word goes forth, please send it straight to our hearts, so we will never forget what You did by sending Your Son Jesus to die for our sin. Bless these Words to fall on good grounds, so that all would bring forth good fruit in their season. Thank You for the opportunity to share Your Word about our Savior Jesus Christ. In Jesus' Name, Amen!
Its has been a great week of passion for me. I've been studying and mediating on God's Word, and looking for deep revelation of Passion Week for my soul sake. The Lord IS my Shepherd!!!

Father God, as this Word goes forth, please send it straight to our hearts, so we will never forget what You did by sending Your Son Jesus to die for our sin. Bless these Words to fall on good grounds, so that all would bring forth good fruit in their season. Thank You for the opportunity to share Your Word about our Savior Jesus Christ. In Jesus' Name, Amen!
Its has been a great week of passion for me. I've been studying and mediating on God's Word, and looking for deep revelation of Passion Week for my soul sake. The Lord IS my Shepherd!!!
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