Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Bible Study: This Week's Prayer Week # 4

Father God, we are so honored to be children, we are so blessed to know You and to be able to obey Your Word, but sometimes we don't know how, and when we don't know how to obey You and Your Word, please Father teach us through Your Holy Spirit, and we will follow Your led. Holy Spirit have Your way in our life today, teach us to do God's will for His glory. Christ obeyed You and we desire to obey You too.  Please, Holy Spirit teach us to know what is required to obey the Father's will in our lives today. We honor You, we praise You, we give You glory for the work Your Holy Spirit does in our life. Thank You Jesus, for dying for our sins and showing us the importance of obeying the Father. AMEN.

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Casting All Your Care Upon Him

Casting All Your Care Upon Him
1 Peter 5:7

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