Saturday, April 9, 2016

Bible Study: SHARING POINTS: Week # 2

Weekly Prayer……………

Father God, we know obedient is what You desire of us, but sometimes the flesh get in our way and cause us to act like our father Adam and disobey You. Lord, when this takes place please help us to see it so we can make adjustment in our lives. We need Your help to obey You. We ask that the Scripture (Philippians 2:13) become a reality in our life. In Jesus name, amen.

 Week # 2         Obedient Question:              Can you think of anything Jesus taught or said that was in opposition to God?



No, Jesus was obedient to the Father until the end; read John 14:31, 15:10; Romans 5:19; Hebrews 5:8;


Week # 2         Application Question:           In what ways is our obedience challenged?


Challenges can come from within – yourself; the attitude, the comfort zone we're in and many more.  Challenges definitely come from outside of us to, our family, our friends, our wants.., perhaps, that which a lot of us faces today, work.  Work is not supposed to be a number one placing in our lives.  Unfortunately, a lot of us take up so much time in work that it has become so.  As we strive to obey God in what He wants us to do, work gets in the way of our relationship with Him.  I am a witness to that! We don't have time to pray.  We don't have time to listen to Him; we don't have time to read His Word. So it's a challenge to us, but we must give into the Holy Spirit when prompt to obey God.


Week # 2         Obedience Bible Quiz:           True or False 

 1. Even the winds and sea obey the voice of God.

2. Jesus said blessed are those that hear Word of God and think about it.

3. Those who do not obey the Word of God will be punished.


 1. Even the winds and sea obey the voice of God. TRUE

2. Jesus said blessed are those that hear the Word of God and think about it. FALSE

3. Those who do not obey the Word of God will be punished. TRUE


Week # 2         Memory Verse:           I Peter 1:22    

"Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently:"


Week # 2         Reading Assignments:          Romans 8-16


I will finished my reading assignment for week # 2 tomorrow

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Casting All Your Care Upon Him

Casting All Your Care Upon Him
1 Peter 5:7

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