Saturday, April 2, 2016

Bible Study: "The School of Obedient"

SHARING POINTS:                        Week # 1


Week # 1        Obedient Question:               Does the verse that Jesus "learned obedience" sound strange to you? Why?



Yes, it does sound strange, even though we (human) do have to learn how to obey and be obedient to parents, leaders, and the law of the land; what sound strange to me is that Jesus was one with the Father, and His nature was one with the Father, therefore, obedient was a part of His nature to His Father. The human part of Him learning obedient was important. When He was a young man the Scripture points out that He was subject to His parents, (Luke 2:51), which I believe was obedient to His parents as He grow up. Obedient is important for us too.


Week # 1        Application Question:           How is obedience to God real freedom to you?



Very good question! When I am not obeying God's Word I don't experience the freedom I should as a child of God. I sense real peace and love from God when I am obeying the knowledge of His Word. If you don't know it then you can't obey, amen. Once we gain knowledge of God's Word, we must obey IT.  There is so much more I can share on this, but time………….


Week # 1        Obedience Bible Quiz:           True or False  Week # 1


1. If we love the Lord we will obey His Word.  

2. Christians are to obey the Word of God.

3. People were amazed that unclean spirits had to obey Jesus.



1. If we love the Lord we will obey His Word. (TRUE)

2. Christians are to obey the Word of God.     (TRUE)

3. People were amazed that unclean spirits had to obey Jesus. (TRUE)


Week # 1         Memory Verse: Matthew 26:39


"Going a little farther, He threw Himself down with His face to the ground and prayed, "My Father, if possible, let this cup pass from me! Yet not what I will, but what you will."


Week # 1         Reading Assignments:          Week # 1         Romans 1-7


I will be finished with my reading assignment on Sunday

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Casting All Your Care Upon Him

Casting All Your Care Upon Him
1 Peter 5:7

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