Sunday, June 25, 2017

Bible Study: EZRA AND NEHEMIAH Week # 7

"Re-Building God's Temple"

Subject:      A Spiritual Message: Part 1

Scripture Reading: John 2:19; 2:21, I Corinthians 3:16-17; 6:19, Revelations 11:19, Luke 18:1; 21:36, Romans 8:26


Here are six steps Nehemiah took to rebuild the walls that had crumbled after the previous invasion:


  1. He began with prayer. 
    He prayed for himself, he prayed for his nation and he even confessed the sins of the forefathers who had brought destruction to Jerusalem. In fact, he said he prayed night and day. The burden he had for his city was very clear. He knew that even though the rebuilding of the walls was a physical project, at the end of the day it was only God who would enable them to complete it. He was a desperate man seeking the Lord. We face similarly desperate times, yet the church has largely quit the practice of consistent, deep, pleading corporate prayer. We must ask, "How desperate must the situation become before you begin a ministry of prayer in your church?"
  2. He invited other people to join him 
    (See Nehemiah 2:17). He said, "Let us build the wall." In other words, he was going to be part of the rebuilding he was called to complete, but he knew that this was a community project. He threw out the invitation to see who among his kinsmen would buy into his vision.
  3. The priests were the first to volunteer 
    (Nehemiah 3:1). Translating that into today's language, the pastors are to lead the way. We are the gatekeepers for the people whom God entrusts to us. Here in America we desperately need pastors who have the vision to be able to lead their people with a Gospel-centered redemptive ministry that affects the culture.
  4. Whole families were included. 
    There are long lists of families, and the reason they were included is that Nehemiah knew these families had to have a sense of ownership. In fact, each family built their own part of the wall. They were essentially saying, "If the enemy comes in, I don't want him coming over my part of the wall." The families bought in. If America is going to be spiritually rebuilt, it will not be from the top down; it will be built from the bottom up, so to speak, and families need to be rebuilt.
    Parents must train their children spiritually in ways that we once took for granted. It is no longer valid to expect the church to do it or society to be sympathetic to it. Parents must be involved to see their loved ones preserved and the larger culture changed.
  5. Nehemiah was not distracted by opposition. 
    From the beginning of his obedience, Nehemiah faced ridicule from Sanballat, Tobiah and their sympathizers. Lies were spoken against him, and a pesky contingent opposed the fact that he was rebuilding the walls. Nehemiah took note of his enemies, but their opposition did not deter him.
  6. Nehemiah resolved injustice and conflicts. 
    He knew that the resolution of conflicts and injustices were necessary in order to continue rebuilding. You will never have a situation in which everything will run flawlessly, and there will nearly always be some level of conflict in any great task. As we see both in our country, and within the church, there is frequent conflict and disagreement. The church alone has a remedy, a Person, who can bring peace to any situation. We must bring Him to bear at every turn. Of course, it is important to acknowledge that many Christians are praying for revival in America. We want God to revive His church. In fact, things are so desperate that apart from a widespread turning to God, we will not reverse the trends in American culture. But I fear that we want revival to do what we are unwilling to do ourselves—namely, to personally witness to our culture along the highways and byways of everyday life. We want God to come in great power to convert people, but the Bible stresses the need for personal evangelism. I believe that America's crumbling walls cannot be rebuilt until Christians—bankers, lawyers, nurses, factory workers—all see themselves as representatives of Christ wherever He has planted them. One of my greatest disappointments is the number of Christians who work next to unbelievers without ever making it clear that they are Christians. Lovingly and winsomely, we must share the Gospel message through our lips and testify to its transformative power by our lives. Unless that happens, America's walls will not be rebuilt. We as the church, through the power of the Gospel, have the seeds of renewal. Unless they are watered, cared for and cultivated, we will not rebuild our 

    Week # 7     QUESTIONS:
    Questions for Review  
  1. Did God give us human bodies to use and abuse as we like, or does He expect more?
  2. How does He expect us to view and care for the marvelous bodies He designed?
  3. Our body is what to the Holy Spirit?
  4. How does God want us to think, and what mind should we have?
  5. Who enabled Nehemiah and the people to rebuild the wall?
  6. When Nehemiah was rebuilding the wall what did he ask them?
  7. When Nehemiah ask the people to help who volunteer first?
  8. Should we include our families to pray with us?
  9. Who was Sanballat, and what was his problem?
  10. Who was Tobiah?
  11. Did Nehemiah stop working when the enemy started his attack?
  12. What was the conflict and injustice at this time?
  13. When conflict come what must we do as a Church and an individual?
  14. How many chapters are in the book of Nehemiah?

     Weekly Word # 7Ark of the Covenant.
    Our weekly reading for this week:    Nehemiah 10-13

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