Friday, September 4, 2015


Week # 4


Books of the Old Testaments:


The Law:


Genesis is the first book in the Old Testament section of the Bible. The Book of Genesis explains that God created a beautiful world (Genesis 1). But the first people did not obey God (Genesis 3). Everyone suffers because of this. Genesis is a history book. It tells the life stories of many important people. For example: Adam and Eve; Cain and Abel; Noah; Abraham and Sarah; Isaac and Ishmael; Jacob; and Joseph and his brothers. Jesus was born 1600 years after the events at the end of Genesis. But even in the book of Genesis, God promised that Jesus would come. See Genesis 3:15, Galatians 3:6-20, Hebrews 7 and Hebrews 11:1-22.



Exodus is a history book in the Bible's Old Testament. And Exodus is also a law book. The people called Hebrews were slaves in Egypt. God sent Moses to free them (Exodus 3). The people in Egypt did not want to free these slaves. But God caused many terrible troubles in Egypt. These troubles forced the people in Egypt to free their Hebrew slaves. So, the Hebrew people left Egypt. God promised the land called Canaan to the Hebrew people. But the journey to Canaan was through a desert. God did many wonderful things to help the people through the desert. God provided water (Exodus 17) and food (Exodus 16). Moses met God at a mountain called Sinai (Exodus 19). There, God gave the law to Moses (Exodus chapters 20-30). Moses made a special tent where the priests would serve God (Exodus chapters 35-40).



The Book of Leviticus is about the law of God. The law teaches us that God is holy. The Book of Leviticus contains many rules for the Hebrew people. But we do not obey all the rules in Leviticus today, because of what Jesus did for us and now we live by faith (see Galatians 3:23-25). The Book of Leviticus also describes the duties of priests during the time of the Old Testament. And, in Leviticus 23, there is a list of special holidays, when the Hebrew people praised God together. God also told the people that they must kill animals. And, they gave these animals to God. The people did this so that God would forgive their evil deeds (Leviticus chapters 1-7). This teaches us why Jesus had to die. Jesus died so that today, God forgives our evil deeds. We must confess our evil deeds to God. And we must invite God into our lives. The Book of Leviticus is in the Old Testament part of the Bible.



The Book of Numbers is a law book in the Old Testament section of the Bible. But the Book of Numbers is also a history book. It is the story of the people whom Moses led through the desert. Moses counted the people in Numbers 1 and Numbers 26. The people did not always obey God. They complained about the food in the desert (Numbers 11 and Numbers 21). They refused to enter the land that God had promised to them (Numbers 13). They even wanted to return to Egypt (Numbers 14). This is why they were in the desert for 40 years. The Book of Numbers also tells the story of Balaam. Balaam was a foreign prophet (holy man). Balaam intended to announce an evil fate for the people. But instead, Balaam saw that God was with them. Balaam spoke only the words that God wanted him to say. So, Balaam blessed the people (Numbers chapters 22-24).



Deuteronomy is the last book about Moses. It is in the Old Testament part of the Bible. The Book of Deuteronomy contains the instructions that Moses gave to the people, just before his death. He reminded them about the things that happened in the desert. He taught them God's law. He encouraged them to obey God. Then, God would help them; and good things would happen. But if they did not obey God, they would suffer (Deuteronomy 28). Moses was the greatest prophet (holy man) in the Old Testament. But God did not allow Moses to lead the people into Canaan. Moses appointed Joshua to lead the people after Moses' death.

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1 Peter 5:7

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