Monday, March 30, 2015





1. to keep alive or in existence; make lasting: to preserve our liberties as free citizens.

2. to keep safe from harm or injury; protect or spare.

3. to keep up; maintain: to preserve historical monuments.

4. to keep possession of; retain: to preserve one's composure.

5. to prepare (food or any perishable substance) so as to resist decomposition or fermentation.

6. to prepare (fruit, vegetables, etc.) by cooking with sugar, pickling, canning, or the like.

7. to maintain and reserve (game, fish, etc.) for continued survival or for private use, as in hunting or fishing.  Verb:  (used without object), preserved, preserving.

8. to preserve fruit, vegetables, etc.; make preserves.

9. to maintain a preserve for game or fish, especially for sport.


10. something that preserves.

11. that which is preserved.

12. Usually, preserves. fruit, vegetables, etc., prepared by cooking with sugar.

13. a place set apart for protection and propagation of game or fish, especially for sport.




There is a lot to read on preservation. David wrote this chapter or psalm because he desire God to preserve him in good times and bad times.  He needed God to keep him in all his ways, amen.  I need the Lord to keep me each and every day, keep my mind stayed on Him, keep my soul in good standard with Him. Preserve me Lord for the work You have called me to do, amen. In these days we all need to pray this Psalm to our Shepherd. 


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Casting All Your Care Upon Him

Casting All Your Care Upon Him
1 Peter 5:7

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