Monday, March 30, 2015


Answers to Questions:


1).        Name some things we can look forward to after this life.


He will wipe every tear from our eyes. There will be no more death (Hallelujah!) or mourning or crying or pain, for the old things will be gone forever, passed away. (Revelation 21:3-4).


2).        Have you asked God to forgive you?


Yes I have, and I ask Him each day to forgive me for unknown sin too.


3).        What is the comfort in Psalm 27:4?


We can dwell in God's house forever, even after death; and we may behold His beauty, see Him as He is, and to inquire in His Temple, worship Him. This is comfort to know we can be in His presence, and have that assurance of constant communion with Him.


4).        How long do we have the promise of dwelling in His house?




5).        What is the main figure used in this Psalm?

The Lord is my shepherd, and I shall not want (lack anything)



6).        What is the main idea?


The Shepherd's provision (1-3); The Shepherd's protection (4-5); The Shepherd's preservation (6)


7).        The Hebrew word often translated "follow" is actually closer in meaning to the word "pursue": "Goodness and kindness will pursue me." Why would God pursue us? Do you feel this happening in your life?


I truly believe it's because He loves us. Yes, I do feel in my heart that God pursue me. I feel He loves me and He has never let me down. I see that so clear, but my flesh will try to make me feel He doesn't.  You see, when we are in any trouble God's grace and mercy is always there. The recording of the Psalm of David let us know God is pursuing us right now. He didn't have to leave it for us, but He wanted us to know this, to embrace this truth through-out life. He is that kind of God!


8).        Do you see "dwelling in the house of the Lord" as a heavenly or an earthly state?


It can be both!  We sit in "heavenly places" (Ephesians 2:6) with Him right now, and we shall be with Him for all eternity, dwelling with our God.


9).        Name some of God's names.








El Shaddai





10).      In each weekly recap give one of God's name.


Week # 1  Jehovah-Rohi

Week # 2  Jehovah-Jireh

Week # 3 Jehovah-Rapha

Week # 4 Jehovah-Shalom

Week # 5 Jehovah-Tsidkenu

Week # 6 Jehovah-Shammah

Week # 7 Jehovah-Nissi


11).      Read and examine week number (4-7) versions, and explain the different.


Week # 4 (NLT) New Living Translation; God's unfailing love will pursue us

Week # 5 (RSV) Revised Standard Version; Our cup will overflow

Week # 6 (WEB) World English Bible; I notice God's name Yahweh was mentioned here.

Week # 7 (ESV) English Standard Version; This one I like the most beside (KJV). It was very personal



12).      Explain God's preserving in your life.


God's preserving in my life?  First of all, God has kept me from deception of His Word, so important to me, because so much is being taught today, man's own idea of what he think is God's way of serving Him. God has spared my life over and over again against harm, hurt, and danger. I have learned to trust Him, and still learning today. I truly believe it's because of God gracious preservative to His people. Right now I believe God is preserving me for His glory in my life. I can't do it without Him! I have been sit apart for His glory. His banner is love over my life. Thank You, Lord Jesus!


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Casting All Your Care Upon Him

Casting All Your Care Upon Him
1 Peter 5:7

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