Sunday, January 14, 2018

Weekly Praise:


Praise You, Jesus, You are the Mountain Refuge. Praise You, Jesus, You are the Bread of Life. Praise You, Jesus, You are the Font of all holiness. Praise You, Jesus, You are the Living Water. Praise You, Jesus, You are the True Vine. Praise You, Jesus, You are my Spouse. My Maker. Praise You, Jesus, You are our Fortress.


Praise You, Jesus, You are the Deliverer. Praise You, Jesus, You are our Victory. Praise You, Jesus, You are our Salvation. Praise You, Jesus, You are our Righteousness. Praise You, Jesus, You are our Wisdom. Praise You, Jesus, You are our Sanctification. 

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Casting All Your Care Upon Him

Casting All Your Care Upon Him
1 Peter 5:7

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