Sunday, December 10, 2017



1). The Kingdom of God is not a real earthly Kingdom, it's a spiritual kingdom –

I agree It's spiritual but also impacts the real world

2). The Kingdom of God is something Jesus didn't really talk about –

I disagree with that because that is why Jesus came to earth to ministry to everyone; Jesus' whole ministry was proclaiming the Kingdom

3). The Kingdom of God has not yet come. It will come when Jesus returns

I disagree with that because Jesus said,  the King has come. The King has dealt with sin once for all in the sacrifice of himself. The King sits at the Father's right hand and reigns now until all his enemies are under his feet. The King's righteousness is now already ours by faith. The King's Spirit is now already dwelling in us. The King's holiness is now already being produced in us. The King's joy and peace have now already been given to us. The King's victory over Satan is now already ours as we use the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God. The King's power to witness is now already available to us. And the King's gifts—the gifts of his Spirit—are now already available for ministry. And now with a sober awareness of the mystery of the kingdom—present yet future; fulfilled but not consummated—let us go on as a church to seek the kingdom first—to discover all we yet should be for the salvation of lost sinners and the glory of King Jesus! It has come in part but will be completed perfectly at the second coming

4). The Kingdom of God is something only church leaders can see  

I strongly disagree with that, because Jesus didn't say just the leaders would receive the Kingdom of God, but all who believe in Him through faith.  The kingdom of God has several aspects. The Lord is the Sovereign of the universe, and so in that sense His kingdom is universal (1 Timothy 6:15). At the same time, the kingdom of God involves repentance and the new birth, as God rules in the hearts of His children in this world in preparation for the next. The work begun on earth will find its consummation in heaven (see Philippians 1:6); all Christians can see the Kingdom

5). The Kingdom of God is something all Christians are meant to build

I agree with this because all Christians receive the Kingdom of God when they because His children. We are to help build the Kingdom of God by witnessing to others and by giving our testimony. All disciples are called to build God's kingdom

6). The Kingdom of God is as small as a mustard seed but stretches across the world –

I agree with this because Jesus said it was like a small mustard seed which is tiny, but yet it grows and produces a large plant. This means that the citizens of the Kingdom of God is growing every day!  These scriptures tell us about the growth of the Kingdom of Christ; (Psalm 72:16, Isaiah 9:7; 54:3; 55:5; 60:5; 60:22, Mark 4:31, 32). It is a past, present, and future Kingdom of God, amen; it starts in the heart but impacts the world

7). The Kingdom of God is something Jesus said had arrived –

I agree to this. Jesus did say that in the Scripture, because when He came the Kingdom of God came with Him. See Matthew 4:17
8). The Kingdom of God is located in Jerusalem –

I disagree with this! It's not located in Jerusalem. Jesus said that the Kingdom of God came to enter into our hearts, but there will be a Kingdom set up by God, so His Son Jesus can reign over it.  It's located in the hearts of Christians

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Casting All Your Care Upon Him

Casting All Your Care Upon Him
1 Peter 5:7

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