Saturday, July 8, 2017

This Week's Prayer:

Let's pray..........


Father God, we come to You in humble spirit, asking for Your grace and mercy right now in Jesus' name. Bless us to sit in the lap of grace, and cause mercy to embrace us in Jesus' name. Thank You, Lord for who You are to us.  You opened the Gospel with the story of a couple seeking lodging among strangers and whose newborn slept in a manger, for there were no room in the inn. You've told us that we, too, have no abiding home on earth. We're strangers and pilgrims, looking for a city with foundations, whose builder and maker is God. You've told us to show kindness to fellow pilgrims in this world. Some, having done so, have entertained angels without knowing it, hallelujah! So Lord, give us compassion for the homeless and all those who need our help. Give us smiling hearts for strangers. Deliver us from being indignant when we should be compassionate. Help us to serve the lease of these, and may we love our neighbors as ourselves. We have learned of Your Spirit who indwells us and desire to be obedient to the Holy Spirit, which is our keeper, our guide, and our teacher these evil days. Father God, the Israelites did not obey You years ago, and evil came upon them, please forgive us, and please do not take Your Holy Spirit from us. Keep us clean, create in us a clean heart, and renew the right spirit in us so we can be acceptable to Your Holy Spirit in our temple. These prayers we pray in Jesus' name, AMEN.

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Casting All Your Care Upon Him

Casting All Your Care Upon Him
1 Peter 5:7

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