Saturday, February 25, 2017


Week # 5     Study Questions:

  1. When you think of God's love, what do you sense or feel?

    Now when I think about God's love I feel so good inside; I feel the joy God intended for us to feel here on this earth. Yes, thing will change when this old body change, but right now it's a very good feeling; a feeling of secure, loved, belonging, accepted, and complete. Glory to God! I don't put my trust in my feelings, but when I think of my Savior's love for me. It's a very good feeling.
  2. What is the focus of God's love? 

    The focus of God's love is redemption. God's unconditional and intense love for fallen humanity motivated the plan of salvation (Revelation 1:5). Simply, salvation is God making us whole or complete       
  3. What is the goal of God's love?

    The Goal of God's Love is Relationship. God had a relationship with Adam and Eve, and He desires to have one with each one of His creation.

    To know Him intimately is to open the door for revelation and fulfillment. It brings change or transformation-change of essence, expression, behavior, desires, identity, and security. The bond is so strong that God says a nursing mother may abandon her child, but He will never abandon us (Isaiah 49:15-16). He becomes the ultimate Father! What an encouraging word to the heart!!!

  1. Week # 5     Quiz:      

True or False?

Jesus said that anyone who simply acknowledges Him as Lord and Savior will find favor with God.


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Casting All Your Care Upon Him

Casting All Your Care Upon Him
1 Peter 5:7

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