Friday, October 14, 2016

According to this study: Questions:


1).     When did the leprosy get healed in (Mark 1:40-42)?

It says, immediately he was healed


2).     Explain Hebrews 11:1 to the best of your knowledge.

The meaning of the clause seems to be, that faith is a confidence that we shall receive the good things for which we hope, and that by it we enjoy, as it were, a present subsistence or anticipation of them in our souls. It also gives a foundation or ground for our expecting them; because by it we are justified, adopted into God's family, and born of God's Spirit, and, therefore, being his children, are heirs of the things for which we hope; namely, of happiness with Jesus immediately after death, of the glorious resurrection of the body at the time of Christ's second coming, of acquittance and a gracious reception at his judgment-seat, and felicity and glory with him in the new heavens and new earth forever. The evidence — the conviction, persuasion, or demonstration, wrought in the mind; of things not seen  Of things invisible and eternal, of God and the things of God; giving us an assurance of them in some respects equal to that which our outward senses give us of the things of this visible and temporal world.


3).     What is the different between strong hope and faith?

The one hindrance standing between the leper and his miracle was revealed in his statement: "If thou wilt, thou canst make me clean." The same is true for people all over the world. If you asked if they're convinced it's God's will to heal them, they'd probably answer, " I sure hope so." That's strong hope—not faith. Faith always begins where God's will is known. "I know God heals some," you may say. But only when you know it's God's will to heal you, do you reach the beginning point of faith.

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1 Peter 5:7

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