Saturday, August 20, 2016


This Week's Prayer….

Father, the moment I received Jesus as my Savior, You came to dwell within my heart. I desire to communicate with You through my quiet time daily. I am known by You, and as I have read Your Word and spent time with You, I have come to know You and love You. You are my Father forever and no power in the universe can ever separate us. As Jesus is in You, I am in Him, and we three are one. What a wonder!  What a joy! What a privilege it is to be an actual daughter or son of the living God. I cherish You, Father, I thank You that I am Your child, friend, student, and partner, now and forevermore. Father, just as Your Son Jesus prayed before He made important decisions, I and all community members ask that You help us to make all our decisions today and forever; we will pray to You before we do anything, because we honor You so much. Thank You for all the studies we have studied, now bless us with the understanding of this knowledge we gain through all our studies, so we can use wisdom to do Your will in our lives. Please, Father, bless this community and all members, and their families and all situations, and in every circumstances too. All glory, honor, power, and praise be Yours, in Jesus' name we pray, AMEN

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Casting All Your Care Upon Him

Casting All Your Care Upon Him
1 Peter 5:7

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