Saturday, June 4, 2016

Bible Study: “Praying Like Jesus” Introduction:



 Praise the Lord everybody! I truly believe that these bible studies have been a blessing to someone, especially me. My family has encouraged me to continue, and I will, not only for that reason, it is because they have truly blessed my soul in the research and arrangement of them. Afterward, I take them and study them in their entirety for further growth for myself.  Prayer changes things! Jesus changed things while here on this earth, and He can still do that through us in our prayer life today, Amen.


The disciples only asked Jesus to teach them one thing: how to pray. Since learned behavior is easier caught than taught, it would do us well to observe the prayer practice of Jesus. In this lesson we will study about Jesus life of prayer, and what He desire His followers/believers to do as to praying and communicating with God the Father.  Each week we will look at notable prayers in the Bible, and from those notable prayers we will answer some questions. Also we will walk through some of Jesus' private devotions as He humble Himself before His Father in prayer time; we will have a prayer focus, apply it, and a thought4today.


Reading Assignments………………..Book of Genesis (50 Chapters)


These ten studies glimpse into the prayer life of Jesus.


Study Week # 1: Jesus believed that prayer works.

Study Week # 2: Praying did not make Jesus passive.

Study Week # 3: Jesus prayed alone.

Study Week # 4: Jesus prayed in community.

Study Week # 5: Jesus prayed before meals.

Study Week # 6: Jesus offered thanks.

Study Week # 7: Jesus sang some prayers.

Study Week # 8: Jesus prayed before making important decisions.

Study Week # 9: Jesus prayed for his disciples.

Study Week # 10: Jesus continues to pray for us.



Father God, Your Son Jesus left us a legacy of devoted prayer life, and sometimes we are weak as His disciples were, and other times, we just don't know how to pray, so we don't; forgive us, Father God, through Your Holy Spirit teach us to pray effective prayers that availeth much. You are worthy to be praised, and of all our prayers, honor, glory, and devoted time before You. Your Word says, "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth, (2 Timothy 2:15). We desire quality quiet time with You in Jesus' name.  Amen.

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Casting All Your Care Upon Him

Casting All Your Care Upon Him
1 Peter 5:7

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