Thursday, May 5, 2016

Bible Study: "The School of Obedient"

This Week's Prayer:

  Lord, we give you this mountain of fear that sometimes we feel inside. Sometimes life overwhelms us and we feel overcome by anxiety and doubt. Your Word tells us to take courage! It is Your Word that gives us the courage we need daily. Thy Word says, do not be afraid. Lord, the storms of life come to rock our boat, and because of Your Word we journey on. Open our hearts to receive Your grace through Your Word right now in Jesus' Name.  Father God, fill us with boldness to step off this shaking ship and greet You on the waters of life. Lord, our feet are sinking and our hearts is fearful when we get off track. Lord God, please give us the courage we all need today! Lord God Almighty, we take Your hand and we give You the things that we most afraid of. Teach us and show us how we can trust You even more. Bless us to have faith in Your Word to walk a victorious life before You, Lord. We desire to do Your will for our life. This we pray in Your Son Jesus' name. AMEN.

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Casting All Your Care Upon Him

Casting All Your Care Upon Him
1 Peter 5:7

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