Thursday, November 26, 2015


Questions:  Week # 6


1).        Explain watchfulness in the Spirit.

Watchful in the Spirit can be watching for the return of Christ (Matthew 25:13) or watching against sin and temptation (Matthew 26:41; I Corinthians 10:12, 16:13; Colossians 4:2).

2).        What is the three directions of spiritual watchfulness?

The three directions of spiritual watchfulness is upward to God, inward to our spiritual condition, and outward to our environment.

3).        Keeping guard over your own spirit is what?

Keeping guard over your own spirit is to notice the uprising of every disposition, of the trend of your thoughts, of the choice of your will, of your words,  the tones of your voice, and of your manners.

4).        What do Proverbs 4:23 means?

This scripture is talking about keeping our heart with all diligence, with a holy vigilance looking out for the approaches of Satan in multiplied forms, and keeping on the alert for escaping all evil, because this bring opportunities for a godly life and bring honor to God, as well as health for our life spiritually, naturally, and physically too.

5).        Explain quietness of the Spirit.

Quietness means to be still, to be watchful, to seek God with the whole heart. It means to keep our mind stayed on God through His Holy Spirit.  I like this! It means to be so quiet in the spirit we can hear the footsteps of Jesus coming.

6).        What was Paul saying concerning watchfulness in Philippians 1:9-10?

Paul desire that we would walk in spiritual discernment, that is why he made this statement, "that our knowledge and judgment and mental senses may be flooded with holy love that we may be able to discern the things that are excellent. It is to have a mind soaked in Divine grace."
7).        What is the habit of heavenly watchfulness?

It is watchfulness of spirit that fills its vessel with oil and trims its lamp, and keeps ready for that long expected but swiftly hastening hour, when the cry shall ring through the earth, "Behold the Bridegroom cometh, go ye forth to meet Him!" (Matt. 25:6).

8).        What is a watchmen?

It's a person who hears from God and gives warning from Him so the people can be prepared for future events.

9).        What is a key figure of a watchman?

The key figure is the role of the prophecy's job to deliver messages of warning and instruction.

10).      Who was set as watchmen on the wall?

Focusing on the Old Testament prophets helps us understand the full meaning of the symbolism of a watchman, which was the job of a prophet.

11).      If of a watchman does not do his job, what will happen to him?

He would be judged along with the wicked (Ezekiel 3:20-21).

12).      Who is called to be a spiritual watchman?

A spiritual watchman has to be equipped by God to see what others do not see and he has a unique capacity to see when the enemy is invading.

13).      Where has God placed you in your prayer life?

God has placed me to be a prayer warrior. I am always praying even when I am working or driving my car. When I wake up I wake up praying and praising God. I know it's the life God has given me. I can only do it through the Holy Spirit too.

14).      Can you pray a prayer as a watchman (prayer warrior)?

Yes I can! "Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank You for calling me to be a fellow workman, a prayer warrior for Your people, my love ones, and for strangers as well. I commit to pray and not give up. I will stand in the gap for those you have put in my life today, I desire to see the enemy before he do any harm to Your people. I come boldly to the throne of my gracious Father.  There are times I do not know what I ought to pray for.  Holy Spirit, I submit to Your leadership and thank You for interceding for us with groans that words cannot express. Help me to yield to You more in this area. You search hearts and know the mind of the spirit, because You intercede for all saints in accordance with God's will. I pray for peace, protection, and provision be made for all Your people. I pray this in the name of Jesus our Lord. Amen."
15).      What have you learn from reading (Philippians 2- Colossians 4)?

Philippians was Paul's last letter written from Rome while in prison and living in a hired house. Paul wrote this to the Philippians to encourage them to stay in Christ, to walk in love, unity, and humility. He encouraged them to walk in the spirit of joy knowing God is our provider and protector. In Colossians, Paul talked about the mystery of Christ, which is Christ in us as believers, and it's the hope of glory. He exhorted them to be heavenly minded, and strong in faith and prayers, to walk wisely, and in the Spirit. I love it because I know God's Word is powerful. God's Word is so encouraging when it is read. Colossians has a dress code for our everyday life and walk in the Spirit of God. 

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Casting All Your Care Upon Him
1 Peter 5:7

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