Saturday, August 29, 2015




1).  Who is called the watchman of Israel?

Ezekiel is called the watchman in (Ezekiel 3:17; 33:7)


2).  Who is the eagle eye prophet?

Ezekiel, Isaiah, and Jeremiah are called the eagle eye prophets because of their prophetic prediction of what will happen in the future.


3.  )What did the Prophet Ezekiel teach his people during his time?

Ezekiel ministered to his generation who were both exceedingly sinful and thoroughly hopeless. By means of his prophetic ministry he attempted to bring them to immediate repentance and to confidence in the distant future. He taught that: (1) God works through human messengers; (2) Even in defeat and despair God's people need to affirm God's sovereignty; (3) God's Word never fails; (4) God is present and can be worshiped anywhere; (5) People must obey God if they expect to receive blessings; and (6) God's Kingdom will come.

4).  What are the key verses of the book of Ezekiel?

Ezekiel 2:3-6; 18:4; 28:12-14; 33:11; 48:35


5).  What was Lucifer's job in heaven?

I have not read that he had a job in heaven, but Lucifer was above every other angel in heaven. His appearance was beautiful and dazzling. He radiated light and glory. He was covered with gold and shimmering jewels. Lucifer was the Chief Covering angel and he worked in the throne room of God.  "You were the seal of perfection, Full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. 
You were in Eden, the garden of God; Every precious stone was your covering: The sardius, topaz, and diamond, Beryl, onyx, and jasper, Sapphire, turquoise, and emerald with gold.
The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes  Was prepared for you on the day you were created.
You were the anointed cherub who covers; I established you; You were on the holy mountain of God; You walked back and forth in the midst of fiery stones." (Ezekiel 28:12-14). Lucifer spent a lot of time with God the father and Jesus Christ. They met together frequently to share ideas and make plans. They were very close to each other and were in perfect harmony.


6).  In Ezekiel 38 who are the army and malice of Gog today?

Most Bible commentators interpret "Magog" as Russia—and, indeed, Russia is straight north of Israel, all the way up to the Arctic Circle. According to this view, "Rosh" is a reference to Russia, "Meshek" is either Moscow or the people north of the Black Sea (the area of southern Russia and Ukraine), and "Tubal," which is always listed with Meshek in Scripture, is identified as a city in Siberia or an area in central Turkey. I would also add Iran and Iraq to this list.


 7).  Where is Israel located among these nations?

Israel is surrounded by all these nations; (Iran, Iraq, North Korea, Libya, Syria, and Cuba)


8).  Is Gog a nation or a person?

Gog is an individual rather than a nation because God addresses him as such several times in the prophecy of Ezekiel 38:14; 39:1). Furthermore, Gog is explicitly called a prince and a ruler in Ezekiel 38:2 and 39:1).


9).  These nations will invade Israel, what is the purpose?

There are three primary goals for the future invasion of Israel. The first goal will be to seize her land; the second goal of the invaders will be to steal Israel's wealth; third goal, and most well-known one is to slaughter Israel's people. (Ezekiel 38:11, 12, 16).


10). True or False, was Ezekiel a priest?

True, Ezekiel was a priest and a prophet


11).  Ezekiel's messages concentrate on four themes, briefly, what are they?

Holiness, because God is holy and He want His people to be holy; Visions, judgment, and consolation. Ezekiel's prophecies are filled with promises of rebuilding and restoration, which He had promised to David concerning his throne as an everlasting throne.


12).  Ezekiel's book can be divided into four sections, what are they?

Chapters 1-24: prophecies on the ruin of Jerusalem
Chapters 25-32: prophecies of God's judgment on nearby nations
Chapter 33: a last call for repentance to Israel
Chapters 34-48: prophecies concerning the future restoration of Israel


13).  Explain the valley of dry bones, (Ezekiel 37:1-14)

The reviving of the dry bones signified God's plan for Israel's future national restoration. The vision also, and most importantly, showed that Israel's new life depended on God's power and not the circumstances of the people. Putting "breath" by God's Spirit into the bones showed that God would not only restore them physically but also spiritually. The Israelites residing in the Holy Land today are not the fulfillment of this prophecy. It will be fulfilled when God re-gathers believing Israelites to the land (Jeremiah 31:33; 33:14–16) and Christ returns to establish His Millennial Kingdom (Matthew 24:30–31).


14).  What is the practical application of the book of Ezekiel?

The Book of Ezekiel calls us to join in a fresh and living encounter with the God of Abraham, Moses and the prophets. We must be overcomers or we will be overcome. Ezekiel challenged us to experience a life changing vision of God's power, knowledge, eternal presence and holiness; to let God direct us; to comprehend the depth of and commitment to evil that lodges in each human heart; to recognize that God holds His servants responsible for warning wicked men of their peril; to experience a living relationship with Jesus Christ, who said that the new covenant is to be found in His blood.

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1 Peter 5:7

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