Sunday, July 26, 2015


BIBLE STUDY: (Daniel, Ezekiel, and Revelation)
What inspired me to study this subject would be a good question.  I was overwhelmed about our country's decision making, so I begin to talk to God about this in my quiet prayer time, and God through His Holy Spirit spoke to my heart and said, "These are the end times!" I sit and meditated on this. I actually just sit there and looked up to God for quite some time. I didn't know anything else to do for that period of time, especially after hearing the Supreme Court decision on same sex marriage. I heard in my spirit "Stand firm on God's Word."  You must study to share God's Word with those who need it.  You must study to stay focus on God and His plan and purpose for your life in this pocket of time. Then I heard, "You need to study Daniel and Revelation again.  Daniel, Ezekiel, and Revelation reveal what will happen in the end times, which much of it has come to pass already. Much of the prophecy has been fulfilled today in our time. We must be ready!  Just consider this: The New Testament in its totality has 260 chapters. In the New Testament alone, the Second Coming of Christ is mentioned 318 times-more than once a chapter! Christ's return is also frequently mentioned in the prophetic books of the Old Testament; and of course, the Book of Revelation offers the greatest detail of all concerning what will happen when He returns. We have the assurance from the Word of God that Jesus is coming again. We must be ready!  I will be studying Daniel, Ezekiel, and Revelation together in this study. I will be reading the books of Daniel and Revelation through this study.  This study will have a "Did You Know?" and only questions for each study because of the reading assignment. 

Suggested reading; Dr. David Jeremiah's book "Agents of the Apocalypse." Good book! I've already order it and now reading it. Very good book!

There will be a salvation prayer at the end of each study for those who may need it.

This is the contents for this study…………..
WK # 1      Part I                             Daniel chapter 1-6
WK # 2      Part I (continue)           Daniel chapter 7-12
WK # 3      Part II                            Ezekiel Outline
WK # 4      Part II (continue)          Ezekiel Outstanding Events
WK # 5      Part III                           The Book of Revelation
                                                            (Introduction and Exile)
                                                            (The Rapture)
WK # 6      Part III (continue)         (The Martyrs and 144,000)
                                                            (The Two Witnesses)
WK # 7      Part III (continue)          (The Tribulation, the Dragon)
                                                             (The Beast from the Sea)
                                                             (The Beast from the Earth)
WK # 8      Part III (continue)           (The Victor, The King, and the Judge)

Please join me

You are Loved,
Evangelist Claudia Jordan

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Casting All Your Care Upon Him
1 Peter 5:7

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