Monday, March 24, 2014



I have chosen to be gentle to people, even when I know that they are been hard on me for no reason.  I have chosen God's way to treat people, and that is with love, and all the other Fruits will follow in my life.   In Lara's book, she says, "I think above three references explain this one. It is for OUR benefit to overlook an offense, and its one of the only ways to let go of anger and help with the development of the Fruit of gentleness."  Today as I work with my patient I choose gentleness!!   We must be careful what we allow ourselves to hold onto, amen.  Let's make sure we are always prayerfully considering all angles, forgiving, showing abundant mercy, and allowing God to speak to us and use His Word as our compass.  I love that! 

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Casting All Your Care Upon Him

Casting All Your Care Upon Him
1 Peter 5:7

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